
Jessica Loria

Career Development Program Manager
Jessica Loria graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Georgetown University in English & Theology, and later a Juris Doctor from the University of Maryland School of Law. Jessica has always been passionate about working with and advocating for youth, especially in regards to educational equity, whether that was as a classroom teacher back in her hometown of Chicago or later as an attorney for foster youth in Baltimore. She was able to blend these two passions – education and advocacy – in her previous role as the Associate Director of Graduate Support at Saint Ignatius Loyola Academy (a tuition-free, Jesuit, independent middle school for young men from Baltimore’s underserved neighborhoods). It was here that Jessica was able to hone her love and skill set for advising and developing programming for first generation college students, and cultivate community partnerships to support these students’ varied educational and career trajectories. Jessica currently resides in the Bay Area with her husband and their three children. They enjoy time together as a family in the mountains and on the water!