Home for the Holidays with Southwest

Thanks to Southwest Airlines, our SRA Students, like Lizet, can be reunited with their families for the holidays. At SRA, we appreciate the support of Southwest for flying some of our SRA Students home during their winter break from college! Here is a big thank you from Lizet and what the holidays mean to her~

Coming home to spend the holidays in my hometown is the most important thing for me. When I am away at college, I don’t usually talk to my family due to the time difference and how busy one can get with school and work. Therefore, coming home is the time I get to spend with my family.

For me it means that I get to eat the traditional food my mom makes, and that I miss so much, it means that I get to spend time with my younger siblings and it means that I get to reconnect with my family. We sit together around the dining table, eating and drinking of course, and I get to hear the stories of my family and how they spend their Christmas when they were younger every year I learn something new, every year we add a new tradition.

One of my favorite traditions is that everyone helps make tamales. It’s the most tedious, and messy food to make but it’s so worth it. We all come together and create make them, everyone is makes jokes and we are all just literally talks to each other and get this without any phones being involved. It’s the time that I love the most when I get to help make the them and see how it’s passed down to generation to generation, from from my parents and aunts to my younger cousins and the one that’s on the way!

It’s the time when I am the most grateful because the same energy and love that we all share at that moments will always be the same and will never change. It’s the time of year look forward the most!

Thank you Southwest for making this possible!