SRA Alum on Staff: Luna Flores

SRA is celebrating our SRA Alums who are now on staff! 


Hear from SRA Alum and College Success Program Coordinator Luna Flores. Luna was born and raised in Oakland and is a Students Rising Above Alum from the Class of 2013. She is passionate about giving back to the community and is SRA’s College Success Program Coordinator.


Read the full story below:


How did you start working for SRA?

I have always been passionate about youth work and uplifting my community. I am an SRA alum and my advisor knowing this she encouraged me to apply for the role. SRA provided me with so much support and I was excited about the opportunity to do the same for others.


What was your experience before this role?

I was the College Readiness Program Leader to high school seniors in the College Access Now! program at Girls Inc. of Alameda County. There I ran after-school programming that promoted self-advocacy, college, and workplace readiness. I am an alum of one of their programs as well and it was great to go back and work with the program I used to be a part of. 


What is your current role and what does a day working for SRA look like for you?

I am the College Success Program Coordinator. I am working to support the Rising Stars program. So far, I have managed the new tutoring service that is available to our Rising Stars and have created space virtually for different classes to connect and continue building community. I’m also excited to be assisting with the outreach and selection process of the Rising Stars program.


How has been starting to work in a completely virtual environment – do you have any advice for others?

It was difficult to transition from another job that adjusted to being remote during the pandemic. Without physically leaving one office to go to another, something that helped me was rearranging my workspace to feel like I have a different mindset. My advice would be to set up a workspace and create a routine that works best for you.