Landing a Job in 2020 – Edylwise Romero

1. What was your experience before your new job?
I was a Property Administrator for a commercial real estate company and was responsible for a unique portfolio of over 605,000 square feet of mixed-use properties across California. My responsibilities included strategic planning, day-to-day operational oversight, tenant relations, vendor account services and contract management.
2. Tell us about your new role?
My new role as a Career Development Program Coordinator consists of collaborating with the team to provide our students with internship opportunity emails, providing career development opportunities and resources for our students, along with managing data in order to track our progress towards our goals. I am learning a lot from my team despite the fact that we have only worked together virtually.
3. How has adjusting to a virtual work environment been? What have been some challenges and what has made it easier for you?
The virtual work environment was difficult at first but after a few weeks I found my routine and it’s been nice. While working from home has given back my commute time, I definitely miss face-to-face interaction with colleagues.
4. What are you excited about in your role moving into 2021?
I’m excited for the workshops our team will be hosting for our students which are virtual for now but perhaps towards the end of next year we will be able to safely have in-person workshops again.
5. Do you have any advice to those seeking a job right now?
There are still plenty of employment opportunities and new ones keep being added to job boards. Keep applying and apply to multiple positions. Target your resumes and cover letters for the specific position you are applying for to increase your chances of being asked for an interview. Rejection is part of the job search process, don’t take it personally. Creating a “job search plan” can also help prevent burnout. For additional tips, check out this article of Early Stage Careers.
6. Anything else you would like to share with us about Landing a Job in 2020?
SRA Students should periodically check the SRA Hub Career Development Opportunities Board for new internship and employment opportunities along with professional development events and resources. SRA Alumni are encouraged to join our Students Rising Above Alumni Association LinkedIn group.