The 2021 Summer Leadership Program

For the second consecutive year, Students Rising Above is hosting its annual Summer Leadership Program (SLP) as a virtual experience. The SLP is open to all Rising Stars and SOAR students who are interested in strengthening their leadership skills, community building, and project management. The Cohort Participants—the ten students involved—have joined the SLP to develop their own passion projects. In the quest to support this year’s innovative cohort, the program also offers skill sessions and check-in meetings with the Program Assistant, who is there to guide and mentor students as their projects evolve.
When it comes to the vast array of passion projects being fostered in the program, the SLP is quite flexible. Students are encouraged to develop a project with the intention of positively impacting their communities, but it’s up to them to determine their own deadlines and milestones. One student is planning to revitalize a community garden in their Central Valley hometown to produce nutritious and accessible food, while cultivating collaboration. Another student is hoping to develop a program that teaches local migrants widely applicable technological skills.
As the students work on their projects, they are expected to engage in four skill sessions where they learn more about exploring “community,” defining their projects, the power of networking, and basic public speaking. There are also several events and working sessions: At the last event, one volunteer noted that, “this program is incredible and the students are truly inspiring. As I mentioned, working with SRA is heartwarming. As the students went around and made their introductions and shared their project ideas I was in awe of each and every one of them.”
At the end of the program, students will participate in a Wrap Up Day, where they will present what they’ve developed throughout the SLP. While some folks opt to create a slides presentation, last year students showed demos of their projects, or even created videos showcasing their work.
Written and Published by Sunari Weaver-Anderson